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Grayjay - Revolutionizing the Way We Consume Videos

Published: at 09:52 PM

Grayjay - The Privacy-Friendly Video App for Following Creators

In today’s digital landscape, many popular online video platforms neglect user privacy and freedom. Algorithms dictate the content we see, tailoring ads to maximize profits while marginalizing truth-telling creators. Navigating multiple apps to follow preferred creators can be a headache-inducing experience. For instance, one creator may only be on Rumble, while another is on Odysee, and yet another is on Twitch and YouTube. Maintaining multiple apps to keep up with them is an added hassle.

Existing solutions like NewPipe and LibreTube offer a solution for YouTube, providing an ad-free, tracking-free, and account-free experience. However, these solutions are limited to YouTube alone. While there are alternatives for other apps, they are lacking. What we need is a universal solution - a single app that can rule them all.

Enter Grayjay - Follow Creators, Not Platforms

All of our problems are solved with Grayjay, a solution that eliminates the need for dependent platforms. Similar to an RSS feed, Grayjay aggregates videos from diverse sources into one feed. This means that you no longer have to juggle multiple apps to follow your preferred creators. With Grayjay, you can stream, download, and organize videos how you want, without external control. Say goodbye to algorithms dictating what you see and tailored ads targeting your interests. Grayjay provides a universal solution, one app to rule them all.

Key Features:

Grayjay is developed by FUTO, an organization dedicated to fighting centralization and preserving user freedom through open-source software. Their three pledges are:

  1. Never sell out. Remain independent and not aid monopolies.

  2. Never abuse customers. Earn revenue directly from users, not by exploiting them.

  3. Always be transparent. Make delightful open-source software that respects user freedom.

My Review:

I was initially skeptical about Grayjay’s usability, given its early development stage. However, I was impressed by its smooth performance and seamless transitions, which feel remarkably polished for an early release. The in-app updating feature is a nice touch, eliminating the need to install APK files.

Integrating new platforms is easy with one-click buttons, and the Twitch support is especially impressive. The only missing feature is pinch-to-zoom on videos, and the ability to import and export subscriptions, but these are acceptable omissions for an alpha release.

Overall, Grayjay simplifies following creators across platforms, and its open-source commitment and focus on user freedom make it a promising alternative to closed, ad-driven platforms. I’m excited to see where the FUTO team takes it next!

Give it a try and discover a new way to follow your favorite creators without being tied to specific platforms.

Notable FAQs:

For more information, check out Grayjay’s FAQ page and website. You can learn more about FUTO’s principles and other projects at

What are your thoughts on Grayjay? Have you tried it out yet? Let me know your experiences and suggestions in the comments below!